viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020

Atmosphere - Postal Lady - 2019

1 comentario:

  1. For over 20 years, Atmosphere have pursued the underbelly of what it means to be human with a rabid curiosity. Ant’s dusky production has provided the pulse for Slug’s evolving and matter-of-fact pen. As Slug transitioned from throwing-up-in-the-backseat-raps to holding-hands-when-you-cross-the-street-raps, Ant has grown to be a master of crate digging and unearthing the humanity of a drum loop. Thriving at the intersection of guttural and self-effacing, Atmosphere will go down as some of America’s best archivists.

    “Postal Lady” recounts the simplicity of Slug’s life over warm and enveloping production.
    These aren’t dad-raps, these aren’t anti-establishment-raps, and these aren’t chasing-old-fire-raps. The album breathes in the way only Slug and Ant could summon a collective breath. On Whenever, the duo inhale panic and exhale greatness.
